Soul Force Intro

Dear parents (and other readers),

  In english class we have a project we are working on: this project is called "Soul Force" and it is for students (like me) to work with our (my) partner and solve a problem that we could see ourselves improving within our school.  Me and my partner chose the following problem, Teens and their phones; therefore we must research and find useful information on our topic. The image I have included to the left is me standing in a Superman cape. What does that symbolize exactly some may ask: well that is because in class we watched the movie We Are Superman which is a story about Kansas City's 31st and Troost area.

   So far in our research I have learned that this definitely is a problem nationwide. Teens everywhere are on their phones  and constantly getting distracted. I have linked to the words "on their phones" an article that the Boston Globe posted which poses a good question. I use this article because of the fact that it brings up a good topic of if phones are just a distraction or a teaching tool; however I feel a majority of teachers would either have technology(devices) planned ahead that are provided by the school. Or they would do things the old fashioned way and use paper.

    I feel that our next steps are to dig deeper and get to the point with this. Make our points clear and defend why we think phones are a distraction in many cases. I feel there will be some difficulty with the chance of one partner getting sick, or not having as much time in class: and later on not having the right amount of communication outside of school with my partner. 


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