Snake Oil

      Dear Students who have been absent the past few weeks of school. The past few weeks of English class have been full of learning about and practicing what rhetorical appeals are and how to use them. These include ethos (ethical) which would be the appreciation or depreciation of the speaker or writer's credibility. Pathos which is the emotional rhetorical appeal, and is the use of words to convince the audience of the speakers credibility by appealing to the audiences emotional side. And Logos is the use of logic to appeal to the audience to appreciate or depreciate the credibility of the writer or speaker.

      The game Snake Oil is a game in which the players, one is the customer and the rest are the product salesmen and/or saleswomen using the rhetorical appeals to pitch their product to the customer. The customer in the game Snake Oil chooses a customer card, which decides who the salesmen/saleswomen are pitching their product to. Meanwhile the salespeople choose six product cards. The salespeople use two of the six sales card which they feel will appeal to the customer, and use the rhetorical appeals to pitch their product to the customer. They articulate their reasoning for why the customer(audience) should buy their product over the other salesperson's/salespeople's products. And the winner, or the person who pitches their product or idea the best (appeals to the audience the best)  takes the customer card, and then draws a new customer card, which then they become the customer in the next round. The second time around we had a card with either Ethos, Pathos, Logos or the customer's choice of which rhetorical appeal was to be used to pitch their idea to the customer.

      My reaction to Snake Oil is that Snake Oil is a fun game that challenges each person/student playing to put their knowledge of rhetorical appeals and put them to the test against their fellow peers/ friends and pitch their product/idea the best. Not only that but it also lets each person explore their imaginative/creative side and open the ideas up and come up with any way to pitch it to the best of their abilities to appeal to the customer most. Snake Oil is a game showing how to use the rhetorical appeals and incorporates fun and creativity in a game where you two objects and integrate them into one idea. It helps the salesperson use the rhetorical triangle which at the base is the presenter/salesperson and the product/idea they are pitching and leads to the top where the audience (customer) is, which can relate to the fact of how the presenter uses the rhetorical appeals to build their credibility as they are pitching to the audience.

    The game has taught me that the appeals can really have an affect on the audience's decision to buy a product whether the salesperson is affected emotionally by the pitch the salesperson gives, or if the pitch builds the salesperson's credibilty logically or ethically. The presenter's credibility can also be appreciated or depreciated based off their use of pathos to appeal to the person emotionally also.  
Snake Oil, it taught me that the appeals aren't always easily used, and that depending on how educated the audience is,  changes how well ethos, pathos, and logos affect them enough to buy/ support one product or idea over the other.

 (The highlighted words are some in class vocabulary we have learned. Those which I have included are few out of the list of "Power Verbs" we learned in class.)



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