"Witness" Reflection

  Dear absent student, On the first day of Sophomore English we played a game to explore what kind of skills we will need to use in English this year. The game was where we were assigned to be a detective ( detective yellow,green,blue or red) and we had specific clues for which detective we were. The objective/goal in the end was to have our group memorize their clue, and a few other clues from the group. After memorizing them to the best of the person's ability, we next had to write down what we remembered. When the group had everything they had remembered written down, the group collaborates and attempts to come up with the answer to a few questions the teacher has about the case, and in the end the answers are released.

  My reaction to the game included me realizing that not everyone is the same and some remember things that others don't, or that some just remember things in different ways. The groups coming together was a big help into rememberung the information, that otherwise would possibly be forgotten by some. But my overall reaction in the end is that it shows everyone will find their ways to memorize things or attempt to and either succeed or f.a.i.l. (have a first attempt in learning) and find another way to memorize things.

   The educational value and life value of this game are that it is sometimes easier to collaborate and work together as a group, and sometimes going solo can be a challenge. Now everyone does work differently so that all depends on who the people in the group are, what their skills are and etc. And the educational value also shows that not everything is going to just be handwritten and easy for you to remember like vocabulary for a test in english class sometimes.

   Overall the activity was a mind challenging and quite helpful activity for seeing how you and others around you work under circumstances such as those. And it helps one understand that they aren't going to remember certain things just as easily as others around them or take information and use it the same way as others, but we all are different and have our own ways for things like that.


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